Countering Human Trafficking in America
Emerging Initiatives
Darkhorse Benefits is proud to announce a new domestic initiative with a Counter-Human Trafficking program designed to serve communities nationwide. Endorsed by Sean Reyes, the Attorney General of the State of Utah, Darkhorse Benefits is actively building out the infrastructure to leverage Special Operations veterans, civilian volunteers, and Law Enforcement Agencies to identify, rescue, and rehabilitate victims of Human Trafficking in the United States.
Support Programs
Darkhorse Benefits leverages considerable assets and networks to provide support both domestically and globally.
Programs such as “Operation Shut Eye” and POTFF (Preservation of the Force and Family) initiatives deliver a superior night’s rest and cover expenses for returning warriors reintegrating with their families POTFF retreats.
Darkhorse Benefits also provides humanitarian assistance through critical medical equipment and training to areas of armed conflict around the world. For more information on these initiatives please take a look at our Expeditionary Programs.
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